Documento 2

[Música Electrónica por Mode]

Genro: Electrónica - Estilo: Mínimo Electrónica

Ubicación: Jesús María, Aguascalientes, México

01 Black Asteroid

Transistor | Minnesota, USA

02 John Carpenter

Vortex (Uniform Remix) | New York, USA

03 Answer Code Request

Sts - 1 - 1981 | Fürstenwalde, Germany

04 Thomas Bangalter

Paris By Night + Night Beat | Paris, France

05 Terence Fixmer

Matière Noire | Lille, France

06 DJ Hell

Car Car Car | Altenmarkt an der Alz, Germany

07 Kraftwerk

Kometenmelodie 1 | Düsseldorf, Germany

08 Biosphere

Uva-Ursi | Tromsø Municipality, Norway

09 Kelly Lee Owens

Release | North Wales, United Kingdom

10 Gesaffelstein

The Lack of Hope | Lyon, France

11 Deux

Everybody’s Night | Lyon, France

12 Dead Husband

Luxe Kondo | Boston, USA

13 Linea Aspera

Decoherence | London, England